Sorry it's been so long! I'm kind of busy most days. I am mostly busy soaking up this time with Eli and Landon. They are just absolutely delightful these days and I know that when I look back on this time on down the road...I will never wish I had blogged more, but I might wish that I had spent more time with my babies, so that's what I do :)
on my babies...
some days I think this is the cutest baby in the world...
then some days I think this is the cutest baby in the world...
then some days, I just resolve myself to the fact that I don't have to figure it out. I definitely have the number one and the number two cutest babies in the world and it doesn't necessarily matter which is which :)
on the economy...
The economy has taken it's toll on our family much like every other American family. We have had to make changes in our lifestyle just like everyone else, but to be honest, I like it better this way. I am much more aware of where our money is going. I am making small changes in the way I shop for and use food and household products. I shop sales, I cut coupons, I have cut down on the amount I waste, I turn lights off, I unplug things, I just generally try to be more aware and less wasteful. And you know's fulfilling.
Dustin works very hard to provide for our family. He gets up at hours I didn't know existed. He works long, long days. He comes home exhausted and he still helps me with the babies and around the house and absolutely never complains.
I want to be a good steward of the material blessings that have been bestowed upon us. I want to take the hard-earned money that Dustin has worked for and make it go as far as possible. My job is to take care of our home and our family and if I can save $30 at the grocery store just by taking a little time to plan...that is the same as going out and making $3o at a job. It is a way I can contribute to our finances and it makes me feel good.
And while this "economic crises" has been tragic for some, I feel like it has been a positive thing for our country. I've seen plenty of stories on the news of how families are dealing in their own way. In our recent past, this country has become more and more materialistic and less and less moral. And now, as we face these hard time, parents are having to tell their children "no" for the very first time. Families are having to find less expensive forms of entertainment like...spending time together playing board games (gasp!). People are re-prioritizing and realizing that there are more important things than designer clothes, mansions, and new cars.
So if hard times are what it takes for this nation to make a return to family, then I welcome them. I'm not so naive to think that this is going to make a big change in our world, but any step we can make in the right direction, no matter how small, is still significant.
On babies that don't sleep with me anymore...
So, I finally made the decision to move Eli and Landon to their own separate beds in their own room last week. It has been a little traumatic for me, but they have been sleeping better than ever since the move. The bassinet/playpen they were sharing in our room was getting too small and things were getting violent in there. They would be hitting each other, kicking each other in the head, poking each other in the eye, rolling on top of each other...pretty much inflicting any injury that is possible with two babies who are quite active. So I cleaned all of the clothes and blankets out of their cribs and we made the move. The first two nights, I might have gone in and made a little noise so they would wake up and have to come sleep in our bed. But by the third night, we were all adjusting. It's been over a week now and while I miss them terribly at night, we all sleep much better.
That's about enough for one post. Until next time...
Oh and...Happy five month birthday to Eli and Landon on Sunday!! These boys are growing up way too fast!
I really agree with you about the economy. I love working on the budget and finding ways to save. And I DEFINITELY hope it will cause our country to wake up and realize what's important and hopefully turn back to God. Good thoughts! :) That video at the end is so precious!
You have inspired me to start turning out the lights when I leave a room and to wash more bottles by hand instead of running a quarter full dishwasher. There are many ways that we all could cut back. They boys are so cute, I think they get cuter with every post.
they look so puzzled when you video them. LoL. i LOVE that pic of them together, smiling, in the orange polo jumpers!!
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