I have prayed for Eli & Landon from the time I learned of their being. When we learned of the potential problems we would encounter, I prayed harder. When I learned that they (according to medicine) had exactly the same chance of both living as they did of both dying, still I prayed harder. I had no lack of faith - I know that God's abilities have no limit. I knew that God could heal them and keep them safe. What I didn't know was God's will. I pray to God and He always answers my prayers, but it is not always with an answer of "yes". And I am completely at peace with that knowing that our omniscient and omnipotent Father truly knows what is best for us. At the time, I felt compelled to tell God that if trusted with these enormous blessings, I would not take the responsibility lightly. That I would look to His teachings on how to raise my children. That I would bring them up to know Him, to know right and wrong, to love, honor, and fear Him. It wasn't a bargain...it was a promise.
It's a promise that I daily strive to keep.
Of all the new things we have been able to do with Eli and Landon these past few weeks...my favorite thing is going to church as a family. Despite the fact that my ability to pay attention has hit an all time low and the fact that I feel like I've wrestled with a walrus when is it over, it is such a joy to be there.
I have a ton to learn about parenting. Dustin and I read books, we think back to our own raisings (we turned out pretty good I guess), and we watch and learn from other families who have obedient and respectful children. We just want to be the best we can for Eli and Landon.
Our ultimate goal for Eli and Landon and whatever other children we may have is for them to grow up and decide to become Christians, or even better, preachers or elders in the Lord's church like several of their grandpas and great-grandpas. Nothing would bring us more joy. And what we do today is setting the foundation for that. Now more than ever do children need to be taught the difference between right and wrong. The world's moral standard is so far removed from God's standard and it can be confusing for someone who is not firmly grounded in the truth...especially a child.
So for now, we will guard their innocent and pure hearts and teach them to do the same for themselves as they grow and mature.
Landon and Eli in Bible class last Sunday
A sweet couple from church got these shirts for the boys. The front says, "Working For Him"
Just remember that you are an encouragement to us, your fellow Christians, when you come to services as a family with those precious boys.
I, too, remember what it is like to not feel like your getting anything out of services. Sometimes, I still don't with my kids at 3 and 5. But you are getting something out of it, because you are setting an example for them and for others around you.
We love having you, Dustin, Eli and Landon in our congregation and can't wait to see those boys grow into strong Christian men.
Jami West
Such inspiring words! What a fearful responsibility children are, but what a tremendous blessing as well. I hope we too are able to have this blessing one day and that we have the same wonderful attitude and commitment that you have! I left you a voice mail today - Call me when you get a chance! :) Love you!!
You have such a way with words. I feel exactly the same way, but could never express it so eloquently. Truly brought a tear to my eye. We have truly been blessed.
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