Dustin now gets one Friday off every month (isn't that fabulous?), so his first long weekend, we took our first family trip to Dallas to see my family. We haven't all been there since Thanksgiving and it was great to all be together again! There are so many pictures, so I'll just keep the commentary to a minimum.
Friday night we went to watch the Frisco Rough Riders play baseball. This was Eli, Landon, and Harper's first big baseball game and they all did great!
Harper hung out with Grammy most of the time.
The boys had to eat a ballpark hot dog, of course!
Nathan, I told you I would exploit you on my blog! Kristin and Nathan had way too much fun.
Unfortunately, Madison did not.
Harper slept most of the night. Don't ask me how...it was 105 degrees out there. She's a sweetheart.
The boys got their first taste of cotton candy. They liked it :)
Kristin and Nathan were asked to be in the Human Dot Race. It's basically a three legged race. They tripped the team behind them and came in for the win. All's fair in love and the Human Dot Race I guess.
The boys swam all day Saturday while the girls all went shopping. I forgot how good shopping is for the soul. It has been way too long.
Saturday night, the whole family came over for a big dinner to celebrate the June/July birthdays. AJ and Dani were in town and the boys had a great time playing with them.
As if things couldn't get any better, Eva (who happens to be an honorary member of the family) came for the weekend.
Grandpa helped the boys out with their swing.
And they practiced it on Uncle Andrew.
Dustin made the boys a tent out of the pool table, so they slept in there.
We worshipped with the sweet congregation at Stonebrook church of Christ in Frisco. It was so good to be with them and introduce Harper to so many who have prayed for her.
Then we headed home to swim a little more before we got on the road. I just can't take Landon seriously in these goggles.
The boys are in no way scared of the water. They love to jump in the pool and spend most of their time under water. The way they jump in is hysterical...it pretty much amounts to a belly flop.
Harper and Kristin were content to watch from the sidelines.
It was so nice to get away and go somewhere for the weekend. And it doesn't hurt that Mom and Mike have a pool and live five minutes from the outlet mall! Most of all, it was so good to see all of our family and catch up with everyone. We have kind of been consumed with our own little world these last few months and it felt so good just have a good time together.
Раньше, чем разрывать навозную кучу, надо оценить, сколько на это уйдет времени и какова вероятность того, что там есть жемчужина.
congrats and good luck
you have such adorable kiddos! :)
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