I'm happy to say that we are home now. I've spent the day recovering, doing laundry, unpacking, napping, and loving on my sweet boys who I missed like crazy.
And tomorrow, I head back to the doctors. I'm cautiously excited. I'm excited to see Harper again. I can't wait to see her and hear her heart beat and see how much she's grown, but I'm cautious because I'm so uncertain of what I'll hear. We've been constantly praying for our little girl, so what I do know is this: whatever tomorrow holds, God is already there. And that gives me peace.
So, if you think about it and have a moment, please say a prayer for us. It will most likely be a long day.
Here's a picture we took as we drove through the town of Harper yesterday.
(25 weeks pregnant)
Dear Amy lovely to see your blog again and a Blessed and Happy New Year. New year with new beginnings!!! As you would be seeing the doc tomorrow here's wishing God's Blessing to Pour down on HARPER and YOU and that what you hear tomorrow will be What You Want to HEAR. Ever since I first found yr blog, YOU are Constantly in my prayers very esp when I am in Church and you are right top of my prayer list. Keep the fire and hopes burning high dear. God bless.
LoL! i LOVE the pic! i so hope it was dustin that took it. if it was, i now love dustin more than i already did. he is soooooo cool.
and your belly is big.
Amy- you and Dustin are definitely in my prayers. I was thinking about you alot yesterday knowing that you had this doctors appt. Today. You look and sound great from reading your posts. Just always keep in mind that God takes take of all things and to be worried about nothing. Easier said than done-I know!!! Well I will keep checking for an update hopefully it will be filled with great news-but if not just know that there is nothin stronger than prayers and there are alot of them going up for you Dustin and baby Harper. Take care!!!
That picture is adorable!!!
New Years was so much fun, and just like last year, I left feeling so renewed and ready to tackle the new year. I'm so lucky to have "married into" the BCS family! I really wish I had known all of you in college!
We will be praying for you, Harper, and your doctors all day tomorrow. Keep us updated!
Hapi family in Jesus Christ..keep in touch
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