Monday, March 28, 2011

Harper Update - March 28

Updated 03/29: After talking with Dr. Atkinson this morning, it is looking like we will deliver early next week (Monday or Tuesday). We're having trouble getting scheduled at a time when all three doctors can be there, which is why we haven't nailed down a day and time yet. I don't want her delivered on Friday because it's April Fool's Day. We're certainly not going to get all three of them up here on the weekend. Dr. Atkinson will be gone Monday and Tuesday. Dr. Robinson will be gone Wednesday. So that brings us to next Thursday, which Dr. Atkinson feels is waiting too long. So, it's looking like Monday or Tuesday will be the day and the other high-risk doctor will have to take Dr. Atkinson's place. I really want Dr. Atkinson there, but it's more important to do it when the cardiologist can be there, so that's what we'll do.

All of that to say: we don't know for sure. But hopefully soon we will.

I was waiting to post until we got a chance to talk to Dr. Atkinson, but he still hasn't come by, so I'll just let you know what we know right now.

I had the amnio this morning to check Harper's lungs. Dustin and I went and ate lunch before checking into the hospital. We got here this afternoon, got her results back, and it looks like her lungs are fully mature now. They also measured her this morning and she weighs 4 lbs, 13 oz. She is almost to the 5 lb. mark and we are so glad! We haven't seen Dr. Atkinson since we got the results back, so we haven't been able to discuss what this means as far as delivery goes. I'll update here after we talk to him (which should be very soon). Thanks for checking in on us...things are looking really great!

In the can scroll down and see pictures of my adorable boys in the wedding they were in this past weekend :)

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

woo hoo!!! can't wait for harper to come on out! she's so loved.

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